divine right

美 [dɪˌvaɪn ˈraɪt]英 [dɪˌvaɪn ˈraɪt]
  • n.(旧时的)君权神授说;(自认为)应有的权利,天赋的权利

复数: divine rights

divine rightdivine right



(in the past) the belief that the right of a king or queen to rule comes directly from God rather than from the agreement of the people


a right that sb thinks they have to do sth, without needing to ask anyone else

No player has a divine right to be in this team.


divine right


  • 1
    N-COUNT 神授之权;应有的权力
    If someone thinks they have a divine right to something, they think that it is their right to have it, without making any effort.

    A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.



the doctrine that kings derive their right to rule directly from God and are not accountable to their subjects;rebellion is the worst of political crimes
the doctrine of the divine right of kings was enunciated by the Stuarts in Britain in the 16th century
Synonym: divine right of kings


  1. No player has a divine right to be in this team .


  2. A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth .


  3. People used to believe in the divine right of king


  4. People used to believe in the divine right of kings .


  5. Monarchy used to be based on divine right .


  6. All that is left is for the divine right moment to occur .


  7. You will reclaim your divine right among us in love and joy .


  8. They seem to think they have a divine right to stage the next olympics .


  9. You have no divine right of purchase .


  10. A Discussion on that Shang Dynasty Ruling by Divine Right is a Supernatural Times


  11. My style is plain Old Wang . The king claimed to rule by divine right .


  12. The one is the common right of humanity , and the other the divine right of kings .


  13. On the Regality and Divine Right in the State Religion of Han Dynasty


  14. It has its divine right of sovereignty .


  15. It has no divine right to exist , and must demonstrate why Asia needs a new supranational financial intermediary .


  16. Have you contemplated your divine right ?


  17. Divine right is the doctrine that the king stands toward his people in loco parentis .


  18. Of course , we have no divine right to play in any major tournament-but it is quite right that qualification is expected .


  19. That , in the first Enlightenment , led to questions about the right of kings , the divine right of kings to rule over people ,


  20. Although they want to play every game , they know they do not have a divine right to do that-they have to reach certain levels .


  21. The Declaration represented a repudiation of the pre-Revolutionary monarchical regime . Monarchy used to be based on divine right .


  22. James ⅰ, a firm believer in the Divine Right of Kings , would have preferred on Parliament at all and actually did without one for seven years .


  23. They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs . Divine right is the doctrine that the king stands toward his people in loco parentis .


  24. Lu Gang people here seem to exposure to " Diary of a Madman " in the eating world is patriarchal , the husband , a symbol of divine right .


  25. This extract speaks most strongly of the divine right of national feeling , yet we must also clearly understand that the feeling , as a merely human force , is under the power of sin .


  26. The oldest caves were used by the early Tuoba rulers of the Northern Wei to help spread the idea they had the divine right to rule over the conquered locals , Ms. Ma said .


  27. Poetry Prophecy Prophecy rumors , prophecy words compared to the typical political hint of the " prophecy " and " divine right " color began to fade , was prominent as an independent personal destiny .


  28. With a feeling of intense disgust you kick the mass of rubbish into a corner and go home , your head full of revolutionary schemes to abolish the divine right of professors to ask questions without the consent of the questioned .


  29. However , when 1700 AD Chinese Emperor Kangxi involved in the Chinese rites with a favor attitude of the traditional Chinese rituals , the dispute began to become a political confrontation between the divine right of Roman Catholic and the monarchial power of Chinese Emperor .


  30. Making use of the worship of the concept of ghost that people had , the ancient rulers gained their divine right of king . They educated their people by sacrificing for their ancestors and strengthened the internal solidarity of their own ruling group based on their blood bond .
